Newspaper Design – An Overview

Designing a newspaper isn’t something that most people think about in their day to day lives yet most people will pick up the paper in the morning to get their daily dose of news.  We all see newspapers on a regular basis but the work which goes into making sure that the layout and design of a newspaper is perfect for distribution is much more arduous and time consuming than one could imagine. Newspaper design is a specialist service but the results can be absolutely spectacular. With a myriad of content to be arranged it takes careful consideration and a good eye to make sure everything is aesthetically correct.

Newspaper Design Tip 1 – Font Size and Style

One big thing to look at when considering newspaper design is the text being used in the paper. The majority of your paper will be made up of text from your stories, advertisements and image captions. Careful consideration must be taken when choosing your font size and style. You need to make sure your font is an easily readable design which can be scaled down well. You body text should always be a small size as this allows you to use the space you have in a more economical way

Headlines can use a different font in your newspaper design to the body text as bigger, bolder text stands out more to help grab the attention of your reader in a way which will make them want to read on and find out what your publication has to say. A clear and bold font is always best for your headline. A simple font such as Myriad Web Pro is a good choice for this intended purpose.  Just remember, an eye catching headline is a good headline when it comes to newspaper design.

Newspaper Design Tip 2 – Layout

When laying out and designing your newspaper you have to remember one important rule. Colour is king. How many people like to look at a newspaper design which just consists of black and white text and images? I think it’s safe to say not many people would relish the prospect of looking at something which is so boring. By using colour you can strategically design your paper to draw they eye to the most important content on the page, be that a big news story, a fantastic photograph, info graphic or even advertisements.

With your newspaper design, it is important not to go too insane when it comes to colouring your newspaper. Too much colour can be distracting especially in a broadsheet style of newspaper which can be designed in a more solemn tone but too much will make things look closer to a magazine. Magazines are less formal in the design with liberal use of colour and design techniques which changes the way the reader perceives the publication.

Newspaper Design – A Final Word

Newspaper design is a hard field to master as lots of time and effort go into making the perfect publication. Firefly New Media have a wealth of experience designing newspapers and also other publications such as magazines. Why not get in contact with us to find out how we can help you with newspaper design.

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