Digital magazines – An Overview

With the increasing online presence of the world it is easy to see how some traditional publications are starting to struggle with the advent of digital magazines. These e-books and online publications are a great way to start a magazine due to the lack of printing costs and an increased potential readership.  There are services which now allow you to host a digital magazine in a traditional format with pages that virtually turn giving it a feel akin to that of a normal print publication. There are both advantages and disadvantages of using a digital distribution format for your magazine or newspaper which we will look into throughout this blog post.

Advantages of digital magazines

Digital magazines are a great way to get a publication started quickly due to the lack of the time which is taken by printing. It means that getting your publication out to the world is a simpler and easy job. Another advantage is due to the magazine being used online and not in a hard copy you can be less stringent due to the limitations on image quality and printing. An online magazine only needs to have a dots per inch of 72 unlike a print publication that needs around 300dpi. With the internet being such a vast and unique space, almost any publication will be able to find readers which share their interests. With online magazines such as Pedal of Choice for the users of Gran Turismo and a number of web comics like Questionable Content across the internet, it’s safe to say the audience is there for the taking.

Disadvantages of digital magazines

One of the main problems with digital magazines is also seen as one of their major strengths. The audience which is available through the internet is a specific one. The demographic of internet users is slowly changing but it is still used by a greater number of younger people. This can be a problem if your target audience is the older generation as digital magazines are less likely to reach this demographic. It is generally more tech savvy people who will access and regularly read digital magazines.

Digital magazines – A Summary

There are both advantages and disadvantages to releasing a magazine in a digital format and this blog post will hopefully allow you to make the best decision. Designing a magazine for print or digital distribution is a hard task and if you are looking for the best possible results it is often best left to professionals. Firefly New Media have great experience in designing magazines and publications and can make sure your magazine is exactly what you were expecting. Why not contact us to find out more.


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