Newsletter PDF: Keeping your customers updated
Using a newsletter PDF has a number of benefits over a traditional newsletter, including improved accessibility and the opportunity for sharing.
More traditional forms of newsletters were sent via post, picked up in stores and distributed via other materials to both promote businesses and encourage customers. One of the most beneficial elements of newsletter PDF over standard newsletters is the ability to send and distribute a full copy strictly via the internet, allowing for anyone to request and receive a copy. In turn this will drastically improve the popularity of any newsletter by giving everyone the ability to share opportunities, special offers etc. ultimately resulting in a wider reach from a single selling point – in addition to further shares and interaction via social media.
When designing a newsletter it is important to consider the existing branding of the business, using pre-existing branding that has been used on other areas of the business is an important step as it can encourage potential/existing customers to make use of the business (again). Additionally, following a set style has its advantages and disadvantages – a template-like format allows set details to be clearly displayed and presented professionally, whereas a more creative and unformatted design can seem more appealing as it more interesting to view.
One of the most beneficial elements of using any form of newsletter for business is to consistently remind existing, previous, and potential customers that your business is available to provide whatever products and services may be required. By drawing attention it could drastically improve any type of existing marketing material or promotional campaign, as more and more people become interested they in turn have the chance of spreading information to additional people.
For more information about our graphic design, printing, and newsletter PDF services please call us on: (01207) 438 292 or message us via our contact page.