Business Card Ideas – Coming up with the perfect brand
Thinking of business card ideas is a difficult task for many businesses, especially those that are just starting up or are rebranding.
Business card ideas can vary from business to business, with different industries looking for different outcomes from a card. A business in the retail trade will not benefit from the same style of business card and promotion that a plumber or electrician would.
There are a number of factors to consider when thinking of business card ideas;
1. What are you trying to achieve with the business card?
The purpose of a business card is hugely important when it comes to designing it, if you want to keep your business in the mind of potential clients then it would be beneficial to have something particularly memorable displayed on the card, whereas if the goal is to attract customers from the start then promoting a specific product or service immediately would be better.
2. Who is your target audience?
Customers might appreciate being hit by promotional material on the front of a business card but potential business partners almost certainly won’t. Whether that means creating multiple types of business cards for one business or combining a variety of designs to get the best out of the space available.
3. Where will your business cards be distributed?
Personally handing a business card to a client or partner gives a completely different impression to being given one by a PA or secretary and that itself is entirely different from picking one up in an office or lobby.
Handing a card to someone gives a more personal feel to the interaction, they’re more likely to actually remember that they have the card and significantly more inclined to take it into account if you’re able to work up a relationship in the short period of time you’re with them.
For more information about our graphic design and business card printing services, please call us on: (01207) 438 292 or message us via our contact page.