Social media trends can be utilised to promote businesses or specific products and services by monitoring what is popular at any time.

Following trends can be hugely beneficial for businesses as they can make use of how potential customers are acting and reacting to certain topics using social media to produce a more accurately targeted campaign. Using a trend can push whatever is promoted to the top of feeds for that subject as more and more people search and talk about a particular topic.

Using Existing Social Media Trends

Trying to make use of existing trends can be difficult as what is currently popular and frequently discussed on social media can change within hours. To effectively base a campaign on a currently popular element of social media it is important to ensure that the trend is not likely to end before the campaign is completed.  By following existing trends it can be possible to gain a widely different audience for a post or series of posts, a wider variety of people exposed to a post means more potential clients that may be interested in buying products or services from a business.

Creating New Social Media Trends

One way of ensuring that a campaign follows current trends is to attempt to create a trend and launch it on social media – in a similar way to viral marketing, producing a specific market for a pre-existing campaign allows your business to have the first post on the topic and can generate a huge range of interest from people that might not usually search for that type of promotion. After the trend has passed there will also likely be some residual interest in the first of the posts to start the trend, furthering the reach of any given post.

For more information about our social media management and graphic design services please call us on: (01207) 438 292 or message us via our contact page.